ANTI WITH E - Backspace.Org Lecture Series.

Rude boy gamesters, obsesive culture creators
and reinventing retirees are pleased to anounce
'anti with e', a one year lecture series
to be held at, london, uk
starting in january 97.

International capital names
and local disinvested bodies
will be assembled for the purpose
of discusion and progress.

NET ART - wednesday january 29 1997 * SECRET CONFERENCE *

pit schultz - netlab, berlin, germany
stef - art on underground, london, uk
alexei shulgin - moscow wwwart, moscow, russia
dirk & joan -, barcelona, spain
olia lialina - cinefantom, moscow, russia
keith de mendonca - disembodied gallery, brighton, uk
kathy rae huffman - pop~TARTS, vienna, austria
eva wohlgemuth - digest of diana, vienna, austria
diana mccarty - intermedia, budapest, hungary
andreas broeckmann - parasitological aesthetics, rotterdam, netherlands
terry taylor - watershed, bristol, uk
cornelia sollfrank - innen, hamburg, germany
rasa & raitis smite - e-l@b, riga, latvia
john hayward - message in a bottle, london, uk
heath bunting - silicon graphics, london, uk
carey young - fertile teritory/air mosaic, london, uk
daniel pflumm - electro, berlin, germany
suzie - hiss, orphan drift, london, uk
robin peperil - interactive culture mix, hex, london, uk
rachel baker - Tescoª, london, uk
graham harwood - filth+trash+ignorance, national heritage, london, uk
mark pawson - old-school net art, london, uk
Luka Frelih - ljudmila, ljubljana, slovenia
jon banes - obsolete games, london, uk

NET RELIGION - 7pm wednesday february 26 1997

peter lambourn wilson - millenium, autonomedia, new york, usa
hari kunzru - london, uk
james flint - TRON, london, uk
toshiya veno - tokyo, japan

NET POLITICS - 5 pm wednesday march 26 1997

steve kurtz - crictical art ensemble, usa
felipe rodriquez - xs4all, amsterdam, the netherlands
james wallbank - redundant technology initiative, sheffield, uk
alexandre iordachescu - artamis, geneva, switzerland.
josh oppenhiem - network infiltration, usa
roddy hunter - monitoring insurgence, hull, uk
richard barbrook - anarchism as totalitarianism, hyper media research, london, uk
alesio quarzo cerina - Cynicism and the Cyborg, london, uk
alistair jeffs - 1997 UK General Election, london, uk
geert lovink - nettime, amsterdam, netherlands.
martin kavanaugh - v.tea, london, uk
ashely - pirate radio, london, uk
daniel garcia andujar - technologies for the people, spain
Barbara Strebel - travelers heath and public access, the thing, basel, switzerland
Villš Huszai - connectivity as a shape of relativity, basel, switzerland

Systematic separation will be abandoned
at the cost of influence and importance.

Entrance fee is some food and drink.(STRICT!!)

cern german embassy obsolete arts council of england, whinchester wharf, clink street, london, uk
tel: 44 171 234 0804 fax: 44 171 403 4586