PDF Reality Engineª Competition Results - December 1996, London, UK.

After an overwhelming response to our catch phrase competition,
with responses from over 100 countries,
we are pleased to announce the joint winners as:

Rachel Baker & Heath Bunting
with their simple phrase

"reality is stranger than fact - create dis-belief."

Please find below our favourite runners up.

Thank you for taking part.

Trina Mould
President of PDFª Industries.


suzanne meszoly - i would like to win a reality engine because i already have
one, and it is very lonely, it needs a mate,,,,,

Ray Lauzzana - Every possible picture that ever was or will be. An interesting
ordering of all possible images in which is modulated by user interaction. In
otherwords, the user browses through the universe of possible images, seeking
those which which have the potential for meaning. This system has been
implemented in various prototypes on the Mac. An SGI would make it a lot more

James BARING - If I win the Silicon Graphics Reality Engine, it will be used 24
hrs a day, in the heart of London, for Surge London, Global Cafe, and the Fashion

Mark Pauline - I've worked in my chosen field for 18
years and never accepted any commercial offers. Also, if some errant machine
yanked off my arms and legs, I could still keep busy.

Tom Burwell - A Silicon Graphics Workstation is the best
graphical design computer in the world. With a Graphic Workstation you are a god
in your universe, invincible.

Tom Burwell - Tired of being kicked around by the big
guys in graphical desing, no longer. Silicon Graphics giving you the edge your
competition doesn't have, Silcon Graphics Workstations.

Tom Burwell - A Silicon Graphics Workstation is the best
graphical design computer in the world. With a Graphic Workstation you are a god
in your universe, invincible.

CHETAILLE SYLVAIN - To create, in real time, an unreal world, I
do really need a reality engine.

CHETAILLE SYLVAIN - To create, in real time, an unreal world, I
do need a reality engine.

Eric Saks - "I cried when I had no motor oil, until I met a person who had no reality

Jon Peterson - I need a Silicon Graphics Reality Engine
because my Indy works as a web server, my Impact works as a file server and I've
got nothing to play on.

Maxine Gregson - Descartes argued that reality might just be
an illusion. I want the tools to prove it.

Robert W. Beckham - I want to show the world how art and
technology can help us understand ourselves and each other.

Robert W. Beckham - I want to show the world how art and
technology can help bring us together in a common understanding.

Tom Burwell - Tired of being kicked around by the big
guys in graphical desing, no longer. Silicon Graphics giving you the edge your
competition doesn't have, Silcon Graphics Workstations.

Maxine Gregson - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,
seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three,
twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine,

Richard Denyer - I should win a Reality Engine because I am interested in reality as an illusion.
Seeing is not believing.

Polly Kwong- "monster..trouble maker", in fact, I am
an innovator the one always looking for challenges.

Owen Kelly - I want a Reality Engine because Nintendo
have delayed the launch of the Ultra 64 until March 97 (at the earliest) and I
want an action packed Christmas this year.

Beny Tchaicovsky - The need for speed is great indeed!
Treasures are lost by waiting for endless renderings curbing our creative
processes of its full potential.

Ms. Naoko Tosa - Interactive Theater:"Wonderland" This is a
people's voice'emotion can be communicate with computer actors and change story
interactivety. Computer understand people's emotion by vioce recognition from
pitch, power, intonetion. People enjoy virtual world that communicate with
computer generated interactive actors.

Claudia Ottolenghi - I should win a reality engine because I could do great things with it. My
children also would be able to use it and create images and drawings. Many thanks

Richard Povall - Because History is Dead, who has time to
wait for the Future? Reality Engine gives it me NOW.

Roshini Kempadoo - Because having a Silicon Graphics Reality Engine would enable me truly explore
the dynamic collapse between the still and moving image on screen. It will also
provide me the infrastructure to interrogate the complexity of the notion of the

Roshini Kempadoo - Because having a Silicon Graphics Reality Engine brings my artwork to the leading
edge of 'creating' and 'rendering'. It will be my contribution to producing a
truly new visual and literary language.

Pradip Malde - Like all things with infinite
possibilities, my reason is simple: to realize the imagined.

Zielinski, Prof. Dr. Siegfried -...because I think that life is a big
museum of sleep and I wish to programme my dreams

Coco Fusco - As an artist in the age of "globalization,"
I am a 24 hour one woman show, an international business I can only afford to
manage with help from machines!

Lynn Hershman - The Reality Engine would insite creation of art projects about the physical and
ethical boundaries of electronic space, using avitars with mapped user segments
to interact in 3d virtual worlds.

Lynn Hershman Leeson - I would use the R.E. to fuse and fuel transnational rap, flamboyant revolution,
shaministic vision and infect the lingua france towards grassroots applications
with humor and hopefully intelligence.

Alexei Blinov - There is no other place to be for the
"Museum of the Future".

Alexei Blinov - I need to power up my Reality Simulators,
Makro Processor and Universal Phasespace Assesor. --- P.S. Sounds mad? Well, it's
all quite developed projects, if you want to know more, let me know. (That would
be more then 30 words...

Alexei Blinov - 3D Motion Capture, Computer Pupeteering,
Synaestesya, Large Scale Volumetric Display, Laser Projection Technologies...
Reality Engine seems to be the only Realistic Approach to any Conceivable
Achievement at the end of thousands experiments...

lynn hershman - The Engine R would be fueled by formerly
invisible voices mapped onto digital borders, thereby inverting reality through
interactive aesthetics and politics- emancipating the drive of live and virtual

Ebon Fisher - The great arc of light wobbles, wiggles, and spins into giddy coherence -given
sufficient processing. Let us now enter the great wobbling, and may no child be
left behind.

Ebon Fisher - The great arc of light wobbles, wiggles, and spins into giddy coherence. Let us
now enter the great wobbling, and may no child be left behind.

Cynthia Beth Rubin - Computer imaging should not be about reality. It is about synthesizing fragments
of experience, dreams, and distorted memories into a new form which is magicly
tangible and accessible to others.

Christian Hogue - I don't have a games machines at home and
would really love a reality engine!

Pedro Meyer - The reality is that for graphics to move efficiently as an engine on silicone,
you ought to try a Silicon Graphics Reality Engine.

Jouke Kleerebezem - I Want My Media Flat!


James Parkinson - The Silicon Graphics Onyx Reality Engine.........GIVE IT TO ME!!!


DEF CATCH All entries will be viewed using Netscape Navigator3.0 + Live3D
Multiuser environments shouldbe experienced by CyberHub Client plugin
4L3D... #these materials are created by bunch of 2D/3D/multimedia/sound/
#java/etc/editors on "modest" but "democratic" PC platform under W95 os.
#Extensive use of above specified tools on PC/Mac platforms can #produce
some amount of gray hair during the (non real) time, also good #for
accelerated ageing with realistic efects (non real time too). #This selection
is completly created during 1996 by ZB

USE CATCH #Catch1- Where Im if I not in my home dir Place is central square
of Amsterdam NL, (pure bits-smoke fee) Transform:
http://dam.dds.nl/damBang.html Translation(s):
http://dam.dds.nl/xdam/dframe.html WrldNfo: works in proges - stay
tuned or just sit somewhere USE CATCH #Catch2- Where I come from (geographicaly)
Place is ancient roman palace of emperor Diocletianus, Split Croatia
Transform: http://www.dds.nl/~zbakotin/peristil/diopal03.wrl
WrldNfo: heavy (re)construction, after famous british architect Sir
Robert Adam this is my reconstruction, based among other sources on his
work as one of most relevant research works of this object, also his work
and inspiration by palace is is influental in development of classicistic
style in XIX century.

USE CATCH #Catch3- Where I am actually (or where I belong) Place(s) freeSurf
/windSurf /sailing /any form of naviagation
Transform: http://www.Desk.nl/~zone/transNavigation/index.html
Translation(z): http://www.xs4all.nl/~zone/transNavigation/index.html
WorldNfo: Surf/windSurf/Saling/all kind of navigation, time/space,
oceanz, netz, galaxies, audio/video, doesnt make difference 4me, just
freedom of experience...sound support by Intel RSX Work in (lifetime)

USE CATCH #Catch4- From where we come (philosohically) or universal Meme
Transform: http://www.Desk.nl/~netband/WRL/eggVR.html WorldNfo:
An early version, Egg of Internet my contribution in Netband evolution
in progress

USE CATCH #Catch5- as possible scenario in development of #Catch4 (optional)
Transform: http://www.Desk.nl/~netband/WRL/chickenVR.html WorldNfo:
Lifeforms developed on PC can look very rigid compared with
RealtyMonster, InfiniteReality even RealityEngine SGI-s. In hope that
PDF Reality Engine Competition is NOT Catch 22...

USE CATCH #Catch6- nested node for #Catch4 & #C5, or Memetical evironment
Transform: http://www.Desk.nl/~netband/WRL/proto2/prototype4.wrl
Translations: http://www.Desk.nl/~netband/WRL/proto2/prototypea.wrl
(avatar version) http://www.Desk.nl/~netband/WRL/proto2/ (overview)
WorldNfo: Life requires some enviromental resources, however food,
water, light, sand, gravi(rot)ation etc, in progress...

USE CATCH #Catch7- Curriculum Vitae - inerested?
Transform: http://www.Desk.nl/~zone/cur/curricum.wrl Translation:
*.jpg texture is my selfPortrait WorldNfo: Part of Curriculum Vitae
Project - unfinished/in progress...

USE CATCH #Catch8- An very old home page entry
Transform: http://www.dds.nl/~zbakotin/ WorldNfo: Early Amsterdams
impressions, some of my very first VRML works

USE CATCH #Catch9- Some points of public interests
Transform: http://dam.dds.nl/misc/banglogo.html
Translations: http://dam.dds.nl/misc/eurocirc.html
http://dam.dds.nl/misc/adamle.html WorldNfo: Growing collection of
junk -related to some "marginary" projects

USE CATCH #Ccatch10- Some very old stuff -In begening of (VRML) ciivilization
Transform: http://www.dds.nl/~zbakotin/zone/pirs1.wrl WorldNfo:
Created in January'96 upladed recently exclusive for PDF REC

USE CATCH #Catch11- Ask for age -check this
Transform: http://www.dds.nl/~zbakotin/zone/z_30.wrl WorldNfo: If you
wanna make me happy (on my birtday) give me few RealityEngines (CAVE-use 3 pipes)

USE CATCH #Catch12- Old Desk.nl links are not vaild anymore
Transform: http://www.Desk.nl/~zone/desk/desk00vr.html Translation:day
http://www.Desk.nl/~zone/desk/desk01vr.html WorldNfo:Desk.nl-contenet
provider FlyingDesk Free artists network, now - The Dutch Thing

USE CATCH #Catch13- Freedom of NET speech Do you remember?
Transform: http://www.Desk.nl/~zone/blueribbon1.html WorldNfo: US Dep.
of Justice -FUCK 'em ALL!!! ops(free minded expression)

USE CATCH #Catch14- Who I needs Reality Engine, welcome to collection
Transform: http://www.dds.nl/~zbakotin/corridors/wrkspac2.wrl
WorldNfo: Just workin on my new studioScape, of course i need still
some budget for peripheralls but here is the backbone, IRIX nope powered
by LINUX :-)...(still).

USE CATCH #Catch15- Why Im suitable to to win this competition? Because, take a
look >1 kb Transform: http://www.dds.nl/~zbakotin/zonyx.wrl WorldNfo:
This is my avatar mostly used in BlackSun CyberHubClient enabled worlds,
so do I need to say anything more... my name is zonyx...hehe....

USE CATCH #Catch16- Why dont you drop me a mail (unexpected RealityEngine)
Transform: http://www.dds.nl/~zbakotin/mailme.wrl WorldNfo: Aother
englishman as inspiration John H Phaley -DDS system administrator use to
say...famous quote can be found at 2nd line of this file

USE CATCH #Catch17- Take refresh, I can go easily till #22, but I dont wanna
Transform: http://www.Desk.nl/~zone/fresh/fresh.htm WorldNfo: Read &

PS This is an short sneakPreview if I win i can publish full list with links till
then have fun,... but dont make such jokes frequently, collecting of all thingz
can take some time and that time can be spend on other things than makin such
boring lists....

Sincerely gereetings from A-Dam

Zvonimir Bakotin