Fly poster and sticker graffiti street art, It costs more to be poor, Bristol, United Kingdom (UK).

Fly poster graffiti it costs more to be poor bristol.
fly poster graffiti it costs more to be poor bristol

Fly poster graffiti it costs more to be poor bristol.
fly poster graffiti it costs more to be poor bristol

Fly poster graffiti it costs more to be poor m bridge st werburghs.
fly poster graffiti it costs more to be poor m bridge st werburghs

Footpath sign it costs more to be poor st pauls.
footpath sign it costs more to be poor st pauls

It cost moor to be poor protest banner.
it cost moor to be poor protest banner

Label graffiti it costs more to be poor lamppost.
label graffiti it costs more to be poor lamppost

Litter it costs more to be poor bristol.
litter it costs more to be poor bristol

Sticker graffiti it costs more to be poor bristol.
sticker graffiti it costs more to be poor bristol

Sticker graffiti pack it costs more to be poor kingsdown.
sticker graffiti pack it costs more to be poor kingsdown

Heath Bunting.