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Sat 17 February 13:00 - 16:00 GMT 2001 
Cube Cinema, Kings Square, Bristol, UK
Tel: +44 (0)117 409 4190

Finding it hard to get good server access, then why not build your own ?

Skip 2 Server is a practical workshop on how to build a fully functional
internet server from salvaged and scrap components using open source software such as linux.

Aswell as yourself participants include:

 - Redundant Technology Initiative - http://www.lowtech.org
 - IRATIONAL.ORG - http://irational.org
 - Anon Linux community experts -http://www.linux.org
 - Southspace - http://www.southspace.org
 - James Stevens - http://www.consume.net 

Free entrance if you bring tools:

 - screw drivers
 - pliers 
 - soldering iron
and any computer components:

 - cdrom drive
 - network card
 - motherboards
 - ram
 - hard drives
 - powersupplies
 - cases
 - floppy drives
 - keyboards
 - mice
 - monitors
 - cables
Otherwise entrance is 3.00 Great British Pounds

We are seeking techno recycle related videos and films
for during the event.