From: Jonah Brucker-Cohen Reply-To: Jonah Brucker-Cohen Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 14:04:34 +0100 To: Subject: RHIZOME_RAW: A World Without Borders A World Without Borders BorderXing Guide The Euro was supposed to make things easier for Europeans. With one currency, travel and commerce are simplified and become ubiquitous. Despite the changeover, questions emerge regarding preserving borders and European national identities. Does one currency compromise cultural and social individualism and traditions? If not, why do physical borders still exist between member states? In the art world, borders have been a pre-occupation among artists working in every medium. From early border artists such as the Border Art Workshop ( protesting the Mexico/US border with mixed-media installations to Denmark's web-based Border Crossing Hitlist ( that tracks people's border crossing activities, territorial rights have figured prominently in artistic expression. Through border art, questions arise as to how cultural identity transcends physical borders, what psychological obstacles these barriers represent, and how people respond to these both personally, socially, and creatively. On the European side, British techno-artist, Heath Bunting's project, Borderxing guide (, attempts to create a virtual map and guide of how to cross European borders without papers. "I have not been [to Europe] that much this year, " admits Bunting, "But I did notice that I was often unsure which country I was in." Instead of having the guide online, the project uses the web as a 'guide to the guide', where the website features a collection of real-world computers that carry the information. Therefore if you want to learn how to border hack, you have to log on, find the closest physical host computer, get out of your chair, and head out. People can volunteer a machine to be a 'host' of the guide, but the computer must be publicly accessible for all. By giving a physical location to the information we take for granted as being online, Bunting has made a digital project that requires movement. "For the sake of elite power, human movement is restricted and information and money mobilized, " says Bunting. "This project intends to suggest the reversal of this whereby humans are encouraged to move and the immaterial is restricted." Ultimately, Bunting's goal is to make land-based borders irrelevant. Even with the growing ubiquity of the Euro, the physical barriers between neighboring states remains an obstacle for tourists and citizens. Borderxing guide is a first step of social protest against the idea that physical barriers can curtail the spread of culture across distance. If the currency is the same, why isn't the continent unified? Or why not even create a hybrid language that combines every accent? That might be a long shot, but Bunting sees the future of borders as 'information-based borders' where the only difference between countries is the information made accessible to us while inside. -Jonah Brucker-Cohen (