Minipogon Editors Policy

Minipogon Day to Day is a collaborativelly led diary of activities and experiments developing in Minipogon.
It is based on enteries consisting of images and related short textual descriptions.

1. Who can edit? Everybody who took part in the activities.

2. How to get an access? By writing to and solicitating a password

3. How to enter information?

Data entery is created in 2 steps: you will firstly have to introduce textual information and in the second step upload the image.
For the image be sure that it is not bigger than 1MB, otherwise it will not be upladed, and database will be temporarily unacessible.

To introduce text click on ADD ENTERY in the upper left corner of the listing and a pop-up window will show up.
In pop-up window following fields will appear. Please try to fill all of them, otherwise information might not apper in correct place. Also filling all of the information you are providing better overview to the future users.

Title > choose the title that well represents what is being done and relates to the image that will posteriory be uploaded.

Place > where the action took place

Date > (day/month/year/hour) try to give accurate information as this will help posts appearing in chronological order..

Area > relates to the type of activity that is being performed, most comonly it is building machines, workshops, collecting plastic, etc.

Team > it is important to mention people who took part in the activity, specially if they are not part of Minipogon

Description > resumed description of the activity performed, giving information which could be useful for other people too, for example if there was some problem how was it solved, some tips, prices, advices, etc.

Then introduce the password and click OK. Page saying Information succesfully entered will show up. Click on the link Continue.

Uploading image >

New entery will appear in the database with a placeholder for image. Click on the image place itself..

In continuation new form will appear. Click on a button Choose in order to choose the image from your folder.

Press OK. Complete information should appear in the data base.

Photos will not be uploaded if they are bigger than 1MB :( this is a restriction, they have to be downscaled in Photoshop or other image processing application

choosing images > clear images that illustrate some significant step in development of the work process


Next to the image you will see small links - view, edit, copy, del. They have different functions that facilitate operating the entery you made:

view > see how the information you added looks like in separate page

edit > change some data in your entery, you could also make changes in all other enteries

copy > helpful option if you want to put more enteries with similar information so you dont have to fill all fields again

del > delete the entery


All questions could be directed to: