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// www.rotorrr.org////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
By means of real facts and practical explorations Rotor is in the process of constant self-definition.
It becomes the dynamic part of an engine made up of people from different ambits, working together and sharing their knowledge. In Rotor there’s always the chance to play decoding the chains of information and creating a new system of signs and valuation having to do with both, personal conditions and locations. Rotor connects up and crosses, goes up and down. We learn from the game the role we are playing and the board where we are located. The movement keeps us awake and it makes us activate a closer and more vital relationship not only with the environment but also with the emotions players feel when enjoying it. It offers the possibility to take part in the process of creating the rules of the game.
It gives us a mission.

Rotor explorations are divided into three different phases: terrestrial phase, aerial phase and aquatic phase. Nowadays Rotor is in the air.

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Terrestrial phase: Ground operation // Olympic Games // Adventurous explorations // Safaris // Short cuts // Cartography

Poble NOW: Exploring the changing territory, 2002-2003 // ”…a series of projects which involve the production of changing maps of the Poblenou district, one of Barcelona's main focuses of urban redevelopment. The maps show open spaces, no-access zones, temporary accesses, border zones, zones of surveillance, zones where building work is in progress, places you have to jump across, places you have to climb down, where there is a chimney still standing, where the property developers and new housing are located. The maps, which the artists publish themselves, show the movements you have to make in order to cross these areas. The body once again becomes an indicator which marks the territory. As Deleuze and Guattari would say, the artists reterritorialise these spaces with their own experiences. They simultaneously photograph, film on video and make notes on the plans. The situation they document stems from the logic of the excursion, which they refer to as a safari. This attitude suddenly transforms the places visited into uncovered places full of exotic attractions and also tells us what they think of the tourism industry as a whole.” (Carles Guerra) // Explorations Poble NOW (www.rotorrr.org/poblenow_01.htm) // Safaris PN (www.rotorrr.org/safari_poblenow.htm) // Planariae PN (http://www.rotorrr.org/planariae.htm) //
Teixit*PN // PobleNow TISSUE* is a map generator which visualizes on a reticular mesh the results of a data base search of approximately 4000 photographs taken during the explorations and adventure routes of an urban and social transformation period in the Poble Nou territory.
According to the combination of assigned parameters, a map of urban tissue is generated. The combination of parameters always constitutes a sentence: an action through an urban element in a type of area and a given date. (www.rotorrr.org/teixit_pn/)Sculptural Olympiade / BCN02 / Note to the 2nd edition ”On the 25th of july ten years have passed since the opening ceremony of the mythic Olympic Games held in Barcelona in 1992. Apart from the
obvious relevance for the sports, this date represents a change in Barcelona’s cotidianity. Big economic inversions in infraestructural and urbanistical fields enerated the reconstruction of big areas in the city, as the Olympic Village and Vall Hebrón, the frontside recovery with the new Olympic Port, beaches, hotels... but one of the most ambicious project was the incorporation of a great number of public sculptures, the majority of wellknown artists from around the world, in differnet points of the city.
Ten years after this event, that put Barcelona on the world map, we propose a commemorative event:The Sculptoric Olympiade. Beginning on the 25th of july and for five days on, we will do five different routes in different parts of the city connecting the olympic sculptures in public spaces. The five circuits represent the five olympic rings, and each part of the city corresponds to a continent. The programme of this event will be published before, in order for the participants to choose the days, routes and disciplines to which they wish to assist. There will be no previous qualification. The event is open to anyone who’s interested in.” (www.rotorrr.org/olympiada2002/logo.htm )

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Aquatic Phase: Pirates overboard! // Recycled rafts // Turn the barriers: Geopatographic Planisphery / Pateras on the river, lake and sea // Aquatic demonstration // Schengen without effort (Assimil)

TURN THE BARRIERS // In search of new horizons where tellurocracy has still no power on the seas, we build naval devices to flee from the urban plentitude -out of illusion- and junmp into the infinite emptiness of the sea -full of hope-
We fabricate rafts gathering and reusing urban control and construction accessories common in the metropolis of the westernized world; the standardization and accessibility of these elements in the urban environment make possible the use of the manual on a world-wide scale.
The Manual Navigatio suggests a modular construction typology developed from the on-site interpretation of randomly found materials, inviting one to explore the sea by geopatographical naval routes and in turn, experiencing the depth of distance. // www.rotorrr.org/patera // www.paterasurbanas.net //
Assimil (www.rotorrr.org/assimil/)

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Aerial Phase: Taking off // Roof stralls / bridges, nets, ballons / Satellite System Comunication // GPSManual // Mobility

ALT_ERATED LINKS // A superpopulated territory as the Gothic centre of Barcelona contains, thanks to the specificity of architecture, an overlayered, elevated and paradoxically much emptier territory. Above the narrow, dense and dark streets, another geographical layer is built, massive, with an extension almost equal to the studied neighbourhood, inhabited but not accessible. It’s an unusual, unknown and private territory. Unfortunately, these roofs cannot be followed as an itinerary nor considered as public, but remain exclusive of their owners.
So we start exploration itineraries based on the trespassing permits given by the owners of their accesses.
From the collected information, two kinds of maps are produced: a territorial map that investigates the opening of transitable itineraries on a compartmented plane at scale and a dynamic map which represents the social links generated from the connexions of neighbourhood, friendship, or simply the wish to build a bridge between two roof terraces. // www.rotorrr.org/terrats/ //



GPSm - developing practical and theoretical topography games .These games are conceived to be developed in the city bringing together direct experience with the use of technology in both social and urban environment , at the same time they are played.
Using the structure and urban topography as the playing board –the real city with all its complexities–, and real people as players, the range of possible situations are multiplied, those situations we intend to experiment and question. To “recreate” the city.
Social reality/virtual reality: how these spaces are lived, in daily life in its everyday itinerary as well as in the surprise of following them for the first time.
“What is reality? In what terms it is understood, developed and mastered?
To generate the social nets within the groups formed artificially. To question the social mechanisms under the rules of the “game”. (www.rotorrr.org/GPSm/)
Loi…Loi…Loisir! “The great revolutionary movements have been finished long time ago, were defeated. Now, again, in all the parts of the world, one begins to wake up the revolutionary spirit. In great metropolis world-wide, nests of the global power, unpowered citizens begins to mobilize silently, guided by a common idea. Its new great tool for the libertartation fight will be the game. The game will allow to experience and to experiment strategies and actions that later will be applied in the real world. All the rules, as well as the one that handles them will be the objects of the game.” (www.rotorrr.org/bxlls)

“SCHENGEN WITHOUT EFFORT" - versions: arabian / serbo-croat / spanish
This immigration guide is presented as a foreign languages skills book, (following the "Assimil" method) it's title Schengen without an effort, alludes to the European Constitution and the Schengen law as a new burocratic languange. This book aims to investigate the practical problems immigrants are confronted with in different areas of the Schengen territory and it's possible solutions.
"Assimil" - In the sixties, the french editorial "Assimil", published a series of skills books on the important european languages. This edition became very popular because it used a new learning method, these books came with records which could be heard on record players one after the other. It was based on a self-taught non cognitive assimilation process. This method was so effective and popular that these editions are still in use.
The same structure used in language books is used in this case to set out through lessons and chapters, all the series of specific topics and steps an immigrant has to go through in order to reach the status of a european resident: an illegal trip, or how to get an invitation, registration of residence - yes or no? - social security, work contract, student residence, marriage with a european. (www.rotorrr.org/assimil)
