When you receive your clubcard sign the back and register your visit to selected websites using the last 9 digits on your card.
Sex: Male Female
Tel No.*:
Date Of Birth:
Which is your favourite supermarket? Tescos ??? Safeway Gateway Somerfield Kwik Save Marks & Spencer
Do you prefer your food genetically modified or unadulterated? genetically modified unadulterated
Personal Pleasure
What do prefer ? shopping driving sex
Personal Hygiene
Are you clean dirty
Personal Organisation
Are you organised disorganised
Do you often give your personal data to marketers? yes no yes, but i lie
How much is your personal data worth to marketing agents?
Would you like to earn money by selling your personal data to marketers? yes no
Do you wish to exist on the PDF database? YES NO
Would you like surfers to earn points when they visit your site?YES NO