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Disputed Histories Collection of history text-books from countries derived from the ex-Yugoslav federation released in different time periods*. Istorije u raspravi Biblioteka udzbenika iz istorije sa teritorije drzava bivsih clanica SFRJ iz razlicitih vremenskih perioda*. |
/ katalog biblioteke / including other relevant publications sa drugim relevantnim publikacijama
/ uredi katalog / / skenirane stranice / / radionice /
1. Last 50 Years
2. Joint History from Albanian and Serbian Textbooks
3. Our Own World History
4. False Truths Kultura secanja: Sadasnjost proslosti, Biblioteka Sabacka, Sabac, 12/2012 6. POVIJEST_HISTORIJA OKC Abrasevic, Mostar, 05/2013 7. SOCIJALIZAM NEKAD I SAD SIZ, Molekula, Rijeka, 10/2013 8. SARAJEVSKI ATENTAT doktrinarnim ocima udzbenika BLArt, Incel, Banja Luka, 08/09/2014 9. Prefaces and Contents Transit, Iasi, Romania, 11/2019 photo archieve / fotografska arhiva /
With the breaking up of Yugoslavia during the '90ies wars and with the formation of the new states consensus about collective history has also fallen apart. Different versions of history textbooks started proliferating in the same geographical area where once, during Socialism, only one version served as a reference and stood as 'unquestionable truth'. Revisions of official historic curriculums show us historic narratives as powerful tools in engineering collective (national) identities and maintaining power positions in the new liberal-capitalist order. These revisioned histories now designed from national perspectives (Serbian, Bosnian, Croat, Slovenian, Macedonian, Montenegrin and Albano-Kosovar), are not only different from the previous Yugoslav version, but also they are differing from each other, so prolonging the situation of conflict or inciting new ones. Aim of this project is to through creative practice examine the shift that took place in conceiving the official historic narratives from the position of personal histories and identities and open a space for thinking new position(s) from where more consequential official historic narratives could be told (and identities concieved), beyond national perspectives. Sa raspadom Jugoslavije 90ih raspao se i konsenzus o zajednickoj istoriji. U novim drzavnim jedinicama raznovrsne verzije istorijskih narativa (a i udzbenika) pocele su proliferirati na istoj teritoriji gde je jednom za vreme socijalizma samo jedena verzija istorije bila referentna i stajala za neupitnu istinu. Revizije oficijelnih istorijskih gradiva (koje se jos uvek odvijaju) ukazuju nam na ove narative kao na mocne alatke u inzenjeriji kolektivnih identiteta i odrzavanju pozicija moci u novom liberalno-kapitalistickom poretku. Ove revidirane istorije sada koncipirane iz nacionalnih perspektiva ne samo da se razlikuju od prethodne, Jugoslovenske verzije, vec kreirajuci medjusobne kontradikcije, prolongiraju vec postojece konflikte ili proizvode nove. Cilj ovog projekta je da kroz kreativne prakse i procese istrazi ovaj istorijski preokret u interpretaciji istorijskih dogadjaja iz perspektive individualnih istorija i identiteta i otvori prostor za misljenje novih pozicija odakle bi se dosledniji istorijski narativi mogli percipirati.
The Disputed Histories library is a growing collection of history textbooks that in different periods have been in use in the region of ex-Yugoslavia. It's aim is to familiarize the general public with the less known historical narratives that are valid in neighboring states, thus providing a better perspective on contemporary mechanisms employed in history writing in the region. Collection of the library has initiated in 2006 and at the moment it counts over 300 different history textbooks. The Library is constantly touring, on view and accessible for consultation. At this moment it is placed in the Center for Cultural Decontamination in Belgrade in a project space called Ignorant Schoolmaster. Biblioteka Istorija u raspravi je rastuca kolekcija udzbenika istorije koji su bili u raznim vremenskim razdobljima ili su jos uvek u opticaju, na teritoriji bivse Jugoslavije. Funkcija ove biblioteke je da upozna generalnu publiku sa manje poznatim zvanicnim istorijskim narativima susednih zemalja, i time priusti siru perspektivu na savremene mehanizme koncipiranja zvanicnih istorija u regionu. Formiranje biblioteke je zapoceto u 2006 godini i za sada broji oko 300 udzbenika. Ideja bibloteke je da bude mobilna i dostupna za konsultaciju. Trenutno je smestena u prostorijama projekta Ucitelj Neznalica u okviru Centra za kulturnu dekontaminaciju u Beogradu.
Another aim of this library consists in organizing workshops where different textbooks itemed in the library are compared and analyzed and where through collaborative work new publications are compiled as a result. Through direct translation, interpretation, visual, linguistic and literary analysis of selected materials from very personal perspectives and experiences, new content gets created using the technique of assemblage. Those workshops are addressing to very different participants (regarding age, level of expertise, etc.) assuming that anyone, being a subject of historical events is eligible to discuss and give critical view of its official representations. Even more on the basis of its living experience she/he could be considered a sort of 'expert' on historical matters. The workshops are organized in the place where the library is being displayed. The textbooks serve as the main material source that is used during the workshops. The theme could relate to a particular historical event, period or to the relations between two or more nations/states. A photocopy machine and basic office materials such as pens, markers, cutters, glue, tippex, etc. are used for mechanic manipulation of text and image material. A new zine-type booklet when the workshop is finished could be copied and distributed. The workshops are addressed to a wide range of participants with the assumption that anyone, as a subject of history (historical events), is eligible to discuss and give a critical perspective on the official representations of history. Based on the participant's life experiences s/he could be considered a sort of 'expert' in some specific historic matter. Funkcija ove biblioteke takodje se sastoji u organizovanju radionica koje se bave izucavanjem i uporednom analizom udzbenika sadrzanih u kolekciji gde se kroz kolaborativni rad kreiraju nove publikacije. Prevodjenjem na licu mesta, interpretacijom i analizom izabranog vizuelnog i tekstualnog materijala iz licnih perspektiva i iskustava kreiraju se novi sadrzaji koristeci se manuelnom tehnikom kolaza. Radionice se odrzavaju u istom prostoru gde je izlozena i biblioteka udzbenika koja ujedno cini i osnovni radni materijal. Svaka radionica ima definisanu temu koja se moze odnositi na istorijski period, dogadjaj ili poredjenje dva ili vise nacionalnih programa. Fotokopir masina i osnovni kancelarijski materijal, kao, olovke, makaze, flomasteri, korektor, korisceni su za mehanicku obradu materijala na licu mesta. Kada je radionica gotova nova publikacija fanzinskog tipa spremna je za umnozavanje i distribuciju. Radionice su namenjene sirokom krugu ucesnika (s obzirom na godine, strucnost, itd) smatrajuci da je bilo ko bivajuci subjektom istorijskih dogadjaja, na osnovu svog zivotnog iskustva pozvan da da svoje misljenje o njihovim zvanicnim reprezentacijama, i da se cak sta vise moze smatrati ekspertom u ovoj temi.
In the methodological sense the workshops are conceived in a non-authoritarian way. The objective is to obtain new knowledge through collaborative and creative work. The methodology itself often becomes the subject of the workshop. In order to restrain from generalized arguments and discussions that draw out, leading the course of the workshop to a dead end, a small introductory exercise is executed, setting the base for collaborative work. At the very beginning of the workshop, participants are asked to schematically represent their personal histories on a piece of paper. This graphic representation can take the form of a timeline or a diagram where participants summarize their life trajectories, retrospectively making evidence of the most important moments of their lives (turning points, successes, defeats, ups and downs, etc.). Introducing themselves to the group in such a way, by giving a brief explanation of their drawing, each participant situates his or her particular experience in the wider historical context, also making clear his/her particular point of view, revealing him/herself with his/her present personality (with a set of formed opinions and statements) as the result of lifelong experience. This introduction creates a necessary common ground, from which narratives of disputed histories can be constructively approached and discussed. In the end of these workshops, we can see a little clearer how we, as the subjects of historical events and its representations, are modeled as individuals, and how we, actively or passively, contribute to the events happening on a larger scale, as well as to the creation or recreation of certain official narratives. And this surely remains a pending task for the workshops. Na pocetku svake radionice od ucesnika se trazi da na listu papira sematski predstave svoje zivotne istorije sa ciljem da se tako predstave grupi u kojoj ce se kasnije raspravljati oprecni istorijski narativi. Sa tom vezbom svako od ucesnika smesta svoju zivotnu putanju (najbitnije, prelomne dogadjaje) u siri kontekst lokalnih i globalnih desavanja, otkrivajuzi svoju sadasnju licnost (sa skupom svih formiranih misljenja i stavova) kao rezultat svog celokupnog zivotnog iskustva. Ova vezba nam pomaze da uvidimo kako su svetski dogadjaji povezani sa regionalnim, kao i sa onima u nasim veoma lokalnim kontekstima, kao sto su porodica, krug prijatelja, kolega ili suseda. Takodje uvidjamo koliko za nasa trenutna ubedjenja, stavove i identitete dugujemo situacijama proizvedenim na globalnom i lokalnom planu koje smo imali prilike da iskusimo ili smo u njih bili uvuceni direktno ili indirektno, i na kraju, kako je veoma malo prostora mozda ostalo za nase nepristrano misljenje i delanje. I/ili dobijamo jasniju ideju zasto i kako taj prostor treba braniti. |
![]() Vol.1
Our Newest Hysteria Vol.2
Migrations and Expulsions Vol.2
Private histories Vol.3
Istina / Everteta Vol.3
Personal timeline Vol.8
Prefaces & Contents |
"To begin to free ourselves, the first thing we need to do is to see ourselves again as historical actors, as people who can make a difference in the course of world events.
This is exactly what the militarization of history is trying to take away." David Graeber, Debt, The first 5.000 years, p383;
Vahida Ramujkic / home page / contact: vahida(at)irational.org