I would be pleased at this time to answer any questions you
may have.
1 Machines capable of copying software onto compact discs now
retail for approximately $600; these machines are often used to
transfer thousands of dollars of illegally copied software
programs onto a single disk, which is sold to the user for about
2 The Manual can be found on the Computer Crime Section's Web
page, http//www.usdoj.gov/criminal/cybercrime.
3 We similarly commend Senators Leahy and Kyl, the sponsors of
a similar bill in the Senate. That bill is S. 1044, and is
called the Criminal Copyright Improvement Act of 1997.
4 H.R. 2265 permits misdemeanor penalties to be imposed for
willful infringement by reproducing or distributing one or more
copies of one or more copyrighted works, regardless of their
retail value. The bill prescribes three-year felony penalties
for reproducing or distributing, during any 180-day period, 10 or
more copies of one or more copyrighted works, which have total
retail value of more than $5,000.
S. 1044, by contrast, imposes a misdemeanor criminal penalty
for non-commercial willful infringement only if ten or more
copies of one or more copyrighted works are reproduced or
distributed during any 180-day period and if the total retail
value of the works or copies is $5,000 or more. Felony penalties
would become available in non-commercial cases if the total
retail value of the copied works exceeded $10,000.
5 We would be happy to work with the Subcommittee to formulate
language to ensure coverage of pirates who provide copyrighted
products with the expectation of receiving anything of value,
even if they have not yet received that thing of value.
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Updated page October 20
, 1997