Biotech Hobbyist Magazine.


Dear Biotech Hobbyist Magazine Reader,

Biotech Hobbyist Magazine is a magazine tailored specifically for
the biotech enthusiast.

We recognise that some of the greatest cultural and technological
advances have emerged from peoples bedrooms and are therfore
committed to tranferring the hitech life sciences to the bedroom

We are looking forward to offering a range of exciting projects,
informative product reviews and fun competitions.

Hope you enjoy our magazine.

Natalie Jeremijenko and Heath Bunting.

As a service to readers, Biotech Hobbyist Magazine
publishes available plans or information realting to newsworthy
products, techniques and scientific and technological
developments. Because of possible variances in the quality and
condition of materials and workmanship used by readers, Biotech
Hobbyist Magazine disclaims any responsibility for the sale and
proper functioning of read-built plans or information published
in this magazine.

Since some of the equipment or organisms in Biotech Hobbyist
Magazine may relate to or be covered by patents, Biotech Hobbyist
Magazine disclaims any liability for the infringement of such
patents by the making, using or selling of any such equipment or
organism, and suggests that anyone interested in such projects
consult a patent attorney.