pleasur can be found in the return of inocense
please submitt inocent pleasures you have experienced:
I have enjoyed: looking out of windows walking around corners sitting on the beach throwing stones in the river watching the sunset seeing planes take off walking through avenues of trees waving at passing trains riding in lifts smelling floweres playing soccer breathing hearing insects outside eating pancakes gazing at the stars watching satellites watching others smile watching others smile the form andshape of objects smelling autumn holding a newborn puppy removing my shoes taking a swimm in the mornin splashing water on the rocks play with my cat stroking the belly of my cat and jumping watching grass grow sleeping runing out of my logic mind drinking water snow watching my lover sleep eating an apple drawing during phonecalls while babysitting jumping into water being kissed sleeping in the morning singing, playing piano swimming in the warm water killing my sister vacuum-cleaning petting belisha beacons sending you a mail... watching wind move branches being as simple as my kids sleeping 24 hours each day bare foot in the sand eating piles of shit watching people passing by sitting on my porch drinking a glass of water rubbing velvet watching deers living in the 20th century blue skies protecting myself from sun watching the ocean roaring hay-fever in springtime stroking barnacles watching plants grow casting a knowing look smelling places and times eating nice fruits smiling at strangers having a child smile at me watching them die in peace whistling at birds laying(lying?) in the grass Thinking I'm Evel Knievel releasing air from car tyres creating cloud sculptures slicing vegetables digging holes waking up in the morning walking in a warm rain not remembering terror from the unknown avocado and bovril on toast pioner eating cherries in the tree falling down playing with a dog wasting time doing nothing intercourse falling asleep yelling at the noon grailler un pizza fraichouil gratouiller mon lobe mange téma la mire treading on thin ice skinny dipping under stars smelling lemon skins hi giving away flowers staying in bed unexperienced pleasures me hago pajas follo con mi novia &dreaming exploring this website the smell of water stand still shopping hearing it scream in pain. stroking my cat laughing singing nmv,cnjdvd enfolding in dreams plug smiling to my friends the scent of rain on dust floating on the sea surface watching things move where is the fucking porn? caca pipi crottez falling off my bike. warm bath in winter being naked watching traffic everything sleeping next to you df dancing in the rain work riding a big wheel jumping once on a piece of g talking to waitresses playing art with son giving birth to my daughter sounds of city clothes warm from the dryer hjhk doing nothing sun through church window killing not icing you not icing me things stupid net-art pages Playing guitar A full moon over the ocean sleeping on the grass killing Goldie/Kate moss nothing tui s aliens very much playing with a young dog dreaming other