CONNECT 9600 cybercafe

WILDCAT! Copyright (c) 87,93 Mustang Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Registration Number: 91-3607. Version: 3.60S (SINGLE-LINE). Node: 1

connected at 9600 bps :-) ANSI heath

surname? bunting

looking up "heath bunting" please wait..

:-( never heard of "heath bunting"

are you a new user? [Y] password? [****** ]

re-enter password to verify? [****** ]

welcome to cybercafe

a place where nerds, trendies, spies, and anarchos can trade admiration, abuse, secrets, and banalities double agents preferred

'the policy' is to concentrate on info bytes so there wont be many programs here

our favourite things are theories, secrets, hacks, obsessions

:-) heath caller 6,398

cybercafe BBS

Standard disclaimers apply no prejudice crime or punishment

equality is deceit

:-( mail



M; messages..........................F; files

@; message to sysop..................#; settings

%; statistics........................\; user list

?; help..............................!; logg off