Volunteer Minimum Wage Machine Demonstrator
"Unless a FACT member of staff contracts you directly, you will not be able
to work for the organization."
I wondered whether I could find a way around this organizational policy.
I proposed the notion of a Volunteer Minimum Wage Machine Demonstrator.
In the FACT foyer there is an artwork called Minimum Wage Machine by American
artist Blake Fall-Conroy which gives you 1 penny per 5.7 seconds as you crank
the handle. If you keep cranking for an hour, you'll get the minimum wage.
The work is very interesting however the existence of this anonymous box is
a little ambiguous and most people don't notice it.
So why not become a Minimum Wage Machine Demonstrator and crank the machine
all day and achieve a minimum wage?
I am the audience and an employee of the machine so I have the right to use it all day.
However if you do that, you seem to be just selfishly trying to earn money for yourself.
In order to avoid that, you can wear a FACT t-shirt and volunteer as a member of staff.
That way you are demonstrating the machine while being employed by FACT and
also not employed by FACT.
25 people talked to me while I was demonstrating the art. I earned a total of 8.82 pounds
which means I earned about 35 pence each time I talked to a person.
Start time: 12:00 Finish time: 15:48
The total amount of money I earned: 8 pounds, 82 pence and 2 US cents
The total number of people who talked to me: 25
The total amount of times the machine broke down: 4

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