Audio Sources
Record Decks, CDs, DAT tapes, microphone, .wav or .aiff files.
You may want to create a pre-recorded programme for webcast.
For maintaining good sound quality choose professional recording equipment -
poor equipment can introduce hiss to the final output that adds to bandwidth.
Separate microphone cords from power cords.
Make sure the sound card in your computer is capable of 16bit recording at
44MHz or 48Mhz.
Get a good microphone.
Make sure the volume is loud enough
Record your material in a quiet room at 16-bit 44 MHz.
Whether you are sending live or pre-recorded material, you will need a lineout
from your audio source into the encoder computer in order to convert the audio
into RealAudio.
Many computers come with built-in cd players in which case you
won't need a cable. Also, your .wav and .aiff files can be imported
by Real encoding software.
The Mixer
A mixer is essential for taking audio streams and mixing with
otheraudio input including microphone, tape, CD etc. The mixer is
your audio junction box for organising sound input and output.
Webcasting outfits like Ozone and Backspace both use Spirit
Mixers. Backspace has a static 12 channel mixer, the Spirit Folio
Rac Pac for use in the studio. For mobile use in locations away
from the studio Backspace uses the Spirit Folio Notepad which has
8 channels foraudio input. This is also perfectly good for static
studio use. Spirit were also good enough to donate a power
supply, hence the shout. Make sure you have plenty of cables,
specifically one connecting mixer to the encoder computer in
order to convert the audio into RealAudio.