Work at studio:
- send mails Out:
- - walk arround - buy new note book
- pottery workshop presentation - from Townhouse - Walking I feel some tension on the streets - people keep asking me things - feel a bit better covering the hair - I find a very nice bar in a thick shade next to Talaat Harb Square. Lots of people smoking sheesha and siting there for long time - Ibrahim Ibrahimovic - an artist working with Elke and Wautter - the one that was saying me about very long song with some princess Wahida now saids me about his friend Sameh who is caligrapher. This is the same one that I could not contact him before. I meet another Wahida - pottery workshop openning. Lots of people. Socializing. - Generally women are more taff here, specially if they go out unvailed. Going out unveiled for a woman here means important decission and statement. - beer in Horeya. We set a football match for Friday.
- extend egiptian visa these days
Questions for the day:
- What unexpected happened today?
- What was the strongest experience of the day?
- Image, drawing, story...
Cairo Integration Diary