Saturday · June 01 · 2008

- lots of dreams - its a new years eve - Milica my mothers friend is organising a party in the swimming pools of a luxurious hotel. But she enclose all the people in the room with glass walls - all the people leying in the foldable beach chair - beds like in big brother. Somebody say - Common you cant keep us locked here its New Years eve. Lets go swimming. And we go out.

- prepare plastic bags for crochet - my mother was shopping some gifts yesterday - almost all black

- go to the lab for a new test

- buy rice

- go to CIC - no internet - do crochet / draw

- internet comes back - sort old images

- go to the post office. for sending packagies they send me to the other part of the town. I take a cab. On the way taxi driver takes one more costumer. He is loosing his way. cant find the direction. When we arrive he asks me for 20EP. I throw him on the seat 5EP and go away. At the post office I realise that I dont have enough money for sending a package so I go to out to find cash machine. Now walking under the bridge that I aws always passing over with a cab going to Khana Khalili. Its willed with small stores and workshops. I buy a bunch of stickers in arabic. Back in post office - My package was 1.100g so they want to charge me as 1.5 kg. I take some rice out of the bag so its 980g. Anyway I pay the shipping a summ that is probablly half of their month income. I reckon they could hate me for a moment.

- Essam caligrapher teacher calls - he is already at the metro station Saad Zaghlool waiting for me. I can be there in 15 min earliest by cab. Other taxi driver takes other costumet on the way.

- Now no time to pick up the results

- Caligraphy -lesson. My teacher is hardly speaking any english - but he is a very good guy, methodic and easy as a teacher.

caligraphy lesson caligraphy lesson

- My mother arrives to cic and we go to Townhouse. Meet with Mina and Yordanka. Set up a meeting for sometimes next week to talk about Sawa workshops. Meet with Elke, Wauter and Ibrahimovic in Townhouse. After going for a shay on the terrace. Some guys they say journalists surround as at the table and talk, talk, talk...

ibrahimovic cleaning

flower seller

- We go eat at Filfella

- Come home early but very tired, do bg phone agenda, draw, go to bed

Work at studio:

- images
- mails


- plan Greece

Questions for the day:
- What unexpected happened today?
- What was the strongest experience of the day?
- Image, drawing, story...

Cairo Integration Diary