- get up early - shwaya shwaya - - make photocopy passport / go studio / call civil register barcelona - they put some elevator music for 15min until the line breaks - nobody answears - go MUGAMMAH - civil register cairo for visa / Huge building - all possible legal state procedures are to be done there. Births, deaths, marriages, land, propreties, nationalities, visas, etc ... Its labirintic and full of police and officials that who knows what they are doing. There is even shoe cleaner in the corridor and the small self service bar. Its possible to learn about state organisation just exploring this building. I make application for visa extension with Shaza and at the end they say it will take 10 days. As I should travel to Grece in one week I keep asking questions what to do. Woman at the window is hardly talking - she looks as if she is going to cry in eny moment. She says - You cant travel. Than we go to another window and ask again - a woman takes my passport and splashes the fly on the desk with it. Its not that I appreciate my passport so much but... She says also she cant leave the country. Than I say I was told I could pay some fine on the border and enter again - she says - yes 12 dolars. - go to the tourist agency than to buy the ticket for Athens. Tahrir square is huge - I get lost in another labirinth now - this time underground. - wait for some half an hour in tourist agency until the ticket is done - find my mother and go for a lunch - she finished knitting the wool shall and was making images of people wearing it - CAIRO WOOLEN CHAL - unbearable heat - looking for the places to swim - - caligraphy lesson 15h - Essam says I am nervious today and my lines are getting out harder - I improve in the course of the class. - skype with Dionis, Peter and Bojan / work a bit - leave CIC - on the street a taxi driver stops to ask me for the direction of some place in arabic, i just smile but he was serious, he taught i am local - 10h meet Samir - he asked to see the Schengen book so we meet and go Cairo Jazz Club. He pics us up with a car. Good airconditioning. We stop because I have to get some cash on the way. Coming back I enter the car saying - Bahh, this cash machine is not working. I think you are in the wrong car - I hear while turening the head to see some completely unknown face next to me on drivers place. Look in the front. There was the same Samirs car just some 15 meters in the front. In jazz club very loud music so we have to shaut - my mother gets nervious for loosing the flight ... so we leave soon - my mother leaves 24h Work in studio:
- fiskultura urbana
- Swimming pool at Nile Hilton and nearest place on the coast (1h) Ain Sokhna
Questions for the day:
- What unexpected happened today?
- What was the strongest experience of the day?
- Image, drawing, story...
Cairo Integration Diary