Monday · June 10 · 2008

- get up early / morning breeze / nice / a bit tired

- finish works and tide up the studio

- go airport -> Athens

- go to the cash machine to get some money but realise that my credit card is not in the wallet (!! tarjeta de credito retirda) what a mess. For the moment I find myself standing on the pavement thinking what to do while some boys from the improvised tricycle are shouting something to me, not too nice I would say. I have no other than to take a taxi and cancel my credit card on the way to the airport.

logo metaforas

- traffic jam on the way to the airport / i also realise that i had calculated time badly and I'm arriving one hour later that I was supposed to /strange logo atracts my attention / I take a picture because I can't understand it at all / just after I realise it is some black bird in the front of the sun / and its a greek company - it says something about metaforas (?)











Questions for the day:
- What unexpected happened today?
- What was the strongest experience of the day?
- Image, drawing, story...

Cairo Integration Diary