Monday · June 23 · 2008

- start to make waste packs with used packiging

packing waste

- Garret skype / he's going to Star City!

- get a fen for the studio

- 11-12h meeting with Ahmed Naser - Instituto Cervantes

- enterng shops just to look - not buy anything - get some food at the end as i get hungry


- comming back from Cervantes and my key is not there ! Aleya says that if I dont find it they will have to chage all the locks.

- extended bici tabacco distributer

extended bici cigarettes

- found the keys in the secret department of my bag

- 16h meeting at Townhouse to prepare a Saturday mapping workshop with Sawa kids. There is a meeting with 4 instructors - they all seem very nice people. There is about 40 children in a group from all different nationalities and they show me the ID cards the kids were doing for themselves. There is a self-portrait filling the square, name, place and date of birth on each ID card. So I culd get to know kids better. There are some very nice drawings. There are two girls who had drawen themselves identicaly in red and blond hair. I liked very much the self portrait of a iraki kid. It is very good drawn, I think he is very talented and sensitive. We discuss our next workshop that I am going to lead. The idea is to make a game about mapping the through the trajectory that each kid is taking to arrive to Townhouse from their homes. It starts with a rope game where every kid has a rope that will present his trajectory. All the ropes are tied to the center that represents the Townhouse. When all the kids manage to place themselves in the imagined map holding the end of the rope they have to draw their trajectory on the floor explaining the most important points that they can remember on the way.

carriage waste collectors

- wooden carriage weel - also a symbol on the gypsy flag / next to it people carryng pneumatics

carriage weel pneumatics

extended bici

- meet Samir - Sch. book, Peio, Shahira


- plastic bag certificate - make new plastic bags with all the evidence for what the bags were previously used for. calculate the price of the bag
- econommy planning - try to programme it
- Ahmed Ali swimming pools - call
- finnish arab homework - speak arabi
- practice caligraphy
- manual covers TMA


< - OUT (daily expences)

Type: Item: Specification: No.: Price:
alimentation water bottle small Dasani (Coca-Cola) 2 3EP
transport taxi Qasr Al Aini - Cervantes both way 2x 20EP
hygiene compresas Always 1 7EP
alimentation cookies bakery 200g 2,50EP
alimentation tomatoes + cucumbers + onion street carriage 1kg 1,50EP
alimentation white cheese + semola super 9EP
alimentation beer Stela 2 10EP (payed only one)
alimentation burger Hardeys 1 15EP

< - OUT - give away

What ? To whom ?
Schengen book Instituto Cervantes
Schengen book Samir
keys (studio+flat) dissapeared found

Questions for the day:
- What unexpected happened today?
- What was the strongest experience of the day?
- Image, drawing, story...

Cairo Integration Diary