- get up early go to studio / take materials for the workshop - workshop with Sawa Children in Townhouse at Townhouse hall we draw the outlines of the city distributing the neighborhoods in circles in the huge 15x 15 meters space - children are asked to place themselves in the areas they are coming from and draw places that they know there - after they are asked to conect different parts of the city with metro lines - highways, bridges, etc - very dinamic and enthusiastic atmosphere - lunch break starts but the food is not arriving yet - a bit of desorganisation... - exosted after the workshop with kids / too hot outside / more extended bicycles - go out / for the first time the taxi driver asks me for less money than i am offering / there is a story telling performance by the guy who was sitting in the car in the front seat yesterday eveninng / he is endlessly talking and people are laughing so much / i am able to pick up only some words / i havent realised yesterday he was so funny... Studio:
< - OUT (daily expences)
Type: | Item: | Specification: | No.: | Price: |
transportation | taxi | talaat harb - cic | 2 | 10EP |
alimentation | lemonade | Townhouse coffe shop | 1 | 1,50EP |
extra | pack of cigarettes | Marlboro | 1 | 8EP |
transportation | taxi | Munira - Dokki | 2 ways | 25EP |
alimentation | spring rolls + glass of wine | Bulls Eye | 1 | 50EP |
TOTAL: | 94,50 |
Questions for the day:
- What unexpected happened today?
- What was the strongest experience of the day?
- Image, drawing, story...
Cairo Integration Diary