Tuesday · July 01 · 2008

- throw waste pack

waste pack

- arrive to cic - ants again attacked my hard drive / struggling to take them out of it, with ants also some green plastic parts are coming out - thanks god its still working

- 12h meeting with Edit and Aleya to discuss the finishing of my residency




- go Townhouse / getting annoyed with a people making comentaries and talking to me on the street - how is your arabic? - can I help you ? I start to ignore it ... / some event not too interesting / visit Elke and Wautter / making jokes with Ibrahim ..

- go to new bar Le Bistro with Graham and Katalin - there is more people there. Graham says he was working on a baladi bars map and was waiting for a sponsorship from Heiniken. The case is that both egiptien bears Stella and Sakkara are owned by Heiniken so as the baladi bars...

- arrange with Katalin to go to Sinai maybe on Saturday evening...

- at the end of the night decision to walk or take a taxi depends on if I prefere to get husstled by the different comentaries during all the way home or have discussion with a taxi driver. I go buy a quarter of fried shrimps with tahini so good on Falaki Square and take a taxi.






- work on air collage


- Abbassiyya
- Zabbaleen - Garbage City - Cave Church
- Zamalek - Zabbaleen Recycled Crafts
- go Alex

< - OUT (daily expences)

Type: Item: Specification: No.: Price:
alimentation 2 sandwitches (tameyya + babaganu) kaza chain 2 3EP
extra bear stella 2 30EP
alimentation fried shrimps Midan Falaki (so good place) 1 19,50EP
transportation taxi ride Midan Falaki - home 1 5EP
alimentation water Hyat 1 3EP
TOTAL: 60,50EP

Questions for the day:
- What unexpected happened today?
- What was the strongest experience of the day?
- Image, drawing, story...

Cairo Integration Diary