Friday · July 04 · 2008

- get up early

balcony view

- throw garbage

waste pack

- on the way to the studio - writtings

writting truck writting park writting kiosk writting shop writting wall

- finish and upload all collages -

- go to French institute

- drinking water pot on the street

water pot

- 17h preparation saturday workshop - Townhouse

- finnaly found out where coptic center is and how to get there

- meet Katalin at the roof

- beer in Horeyya Garham and Kataline - prepare excursions- alexandria/ainsokhna/asuan - at the end we decide to stay in Cairo and do excursions inside the city


- Abbassiyya - coptic community - father thomas
- Zabbaleen - Garbage City - Cave Church
- Zamalek - Zabbaleen Recycled Crafts
- go Alex
- my fathers birthday - call

< - OUT (daily expences)

Type: Item: Specification: No.: Price:
alimentation lunch at Institut francaise galetes + lemonade 1 34EP
extra tabaco Marlboro light 2 16EP
transportation taxi to Talaat Harb 2 both way 10EP
extra beer stela 3 30EP

Questions for the day:
- What unexpected happened today?
- What was the strongest experience of the day?
- Image, drawing, story...

Cairo Integration Diary