- get up early but not too much 7.45 - go to bridge at Corniche where Katalin and Graham will pick me up to go to Dahab Island - nice abstract painting on public phone box on the way - crossing to the island with Coca-Cola feluca that operates as the main conection to the island for pedestrians. - Dahab means Golden - its also called Agricultural island and its indeed filled with agricultural fields, lots of domestic animals and shanty houses. The main transportation of the island are donkeys. There is distribution of water supply by chanals for agricultural and domestic use. Electricity seems to be scarce but lots of animal faecal is dried all over and used as a main fuel for warming water and cooking. People produce food enough to cover their needs and also sell outside on the main land. If there is a big catastrophy in the city shortage of food Dahab people could survive. - there is a bridge passing across the island without any conection to the island - the only thing is that it makes a good shade for people and animals. people are garherin there to do washing, occasionaly go swimming... - children we meet on the street are very respectful and are not annoying strangers as lots of them in the city. There is development plans for all the island where all the houses are going to be knocked down and the new luxury area of Cairo is going to be built - there were some women on the street making tameya (falafel) and frying it on fire. On the next corner two boys were playing making tameya out of mud - dahab wall drawings - drawing with dahab kids - do some cave drawings around - there is a kid fishing but he doesnt have any troll - he doesnt manage to fish anything for a long time while we are having a snack break. another catches with his hands a small fish and explains this is a troll for fishing after we have been drawing fishes on the wall
- arriving to cic sun burnt and with a headache / trying to find another printer who would do plotters / Edit gives me the contact of fuji / talk with an person in fuji - woman says to come along with a cd / copy files / two cds destroyed / - make a dvd finaly and go to the direction / taxi driver leaves me on the wrong place / long walk in bussy street under the sun / people send me in different directions / finaly take another taxi / getting off the taxi go to the pharmacy- take Parcetamols on the spot / in fuji they only do photographic prints / but they tell me that in Xerox on Dokki Square they do plotters / - take another Taxi / he doesnt have an idea where the D.square is / i am asking people through the window / finaly i get off the taxi just to get rid of him / some people says its 500m walking distance - go walking / want to ask them for a lighter but cant find my cigarettes - a man gives me one egyptian / too strong - I throw it away / - in Xerox a man instaling local network and Photoshop / finaly he cant open DVD so i have to download the files / he says in 1 h it will be ready / go to Egyptair at Carlton Hotel to buy a ticket / already shut down / go to the hotel terrace for a coffe / full of older mans smoking shisha / draw / - x/o drawings on the kiosk - go back to Xerox pick up the prints / taxi to the Anastasias opening at Townhouse / its already too late / at Tahrir bridge i realise that the man in the shop havent gave me the change 50 EP / i say to taxi driver to turn back / big trafic jam / he cant find the direction i am saying / get of and continue walking / at the xerox a man convinces me he did gave me the change / but i dont have it / cant do anything / finaly go to the opening / exhosted / Graham says - one big thing for a day is enough - and he is right - dinner at Greek Club / call Ermin to arrange going to Recycling factory some of the next days / I leave early as usual - arriving home i realise i forgot to give money to Graham and Karlin
- send mails to bcn friends for phone numbers
- buy ticket to Barcelona
- Abbassiyya - coptic community - letter to father thomas
- Zabbaleen - Garbage City - Cave Church
- Zamalek - Zabbaleen Recycled Crafts
- make photos of Syonara's children and another for father Thomas
- make a drawing of s. children in exchange for one lesson that we agreed
- write and send a letter to f. thomas concerning solar panels
- 20EP Graham &Katalin
- 180EP Syonara
Questions for the day:
- What unexpected happened today?
- What was the strongest experience of the day?
- Image, drawing, story...
Cairo Integration Diary