- friday / lazy day / suffi concert this eveninng ? - rest / do portrait of S. daughter / S. calls she would like to pass by / she arrives / for the first time i see her outside of her home / she is wearing a long galabeyya and a scarf / my flat completely disorderd / was not used to receive visits / nor i was spending time there during the day / the drawing is almost finished so she asks if i could finish it now / while i am finishing the drawing she is having passionate discussion on the mobile / - go to khana khalili to see sufi performance at Al Azhar Mosque - walk arround as its starting in half an hour / buy two girls ghalabeyya and a hand made note-book binded with ultramarine lether / go to the bazaar for a nana / when i want to pay and leave a waiter tells me that the man who is charging went to wash his hands / i see him coming back with a dusty shabby praying carpet / he places himself just next to me and starts to prepare for the prayer / i see its going to take a while so i get up and asks the first waiter to charge me / its obvious he is indignated by my ignorance towards religion charges me 6EP for a shay that is too much / - arrive home - ermine calls to go out - me too tired / finish the second cairian bag / go sleep / -
- Zabbaleen - Garbage City - Cave Church
- make a drawing of s. children in exchange for one lesson that we agreed
Questions for the day:
- What unexpected happened today?
- What was the strongest experience of the day?
- Image, drawing, story...
Cairo Integration Diary