- tide up house / washing / modify girls galabeyyas / - go cic - go buy third pair of white egyptian snickers 15EP - see the car crash for the first time - meet with Amado in Horreya / he works with sudanese kids refugies / preparing to leave meet Yehya / join his table for a while / a guy next to me M.hawary offers himself to go to Abalen area tomorrow with me / we arrange maybe to meet tomorrow than / wall drawing - Shahira says it means - jump and kill yourself - meaningless frustrated expresion - go home try to sleep / but go out to the internet and recharge my mobile that just run out of credit / - on the street a red haired man askes me if i need something - i sadi yes - a vodaphone card 10 ginies - He sends a young guy for a card and offeres me a seat / we talk / he asks me if i could bring him a bottle of Vodka when I come back in October - It will be after the ramadan and he will be very desired of alcohol... - a young fellow comes back on the bicycle - there is no phone card in none of the shops around /
- Zabbaleen - Garbage City - Cave Church
Questions for the day:
- What unexpected happened today?
- What was the strongest experience of the day?
- Image, drawing, story...
Cairo Integration Diary