- get up late - go cic / call M.Harawi to meet up - in 1 h at Horreya for a coffee - go Ataba square to leave send a packet / plastic bag to my mother in Belgrade - go Falaki / late to meet with m.harrawi / taxi driver doesnt know where is Falaki / leaves me at Talaat Harb - he doesnt have change from 10EP and wants to take all / i leave him one ep take 10 and leave - now i have to go walking / he is shouting after me - people gathers arround - a policeman arrives / finally a policeman takes my side and tells him to change 10 - he asks all the people around - finnaly takes the change / he wants to take 5 but policeman says only 5 / - meet with m.harrawi go to Moqattam - cave cathedral / taxi driver agrees to wait one hour for us there for 65ep - - - - meet with Shahira and Nida on cic terrace / they wanted to see my work because they are preparing some project and publication about the developement of the city of Cairo - update spanish agenda / upload images / - Mohammed brings me some koshari to eat and I was really hungry - tide up and leave the studio - go home / pack - go out to Odeon terrace with Shahira -
- Zabbaleen - Garbage City - Cave Church
Questions for the day:
- What unexpected happened today?
- What was the strongest experience of the day?
- Image, drawing, story...
Cairo Integration Diary