plastic bag indian model

Each day average consumer receive in shops and supermarkets and trow away about five plastic bags.
Plastic materials need around six hundred years to fully disintegrate on Earth.
Different animal species end up dyeing due to eating plastic bags from garbages.
Make one resistant bag for everyday shopping or carrying things out of 15 one use plastic bags.

Production cost: 0€
Time of production: 8h
Capacity: 20lt

Materials: all kind of plastic bags received in shopping, scissors or cuter and crochet hook (bigger numbers 8<)

plastic bag materials plastic bag materials plastic bag materials

Procedure: cut plastic bags in stripes (~2cm) and use round croche point with chains and columns

plastic bag proccess plastic bag shadow

Exchange of crochet designs (Khirki Village Park, New Delhi)

plastic bag vahida park plastic bag vahida park plastic bag vahida park

plastic bag vahida park plastic bag vahida park plastic bag vahida park

plastic bag vahida park plastic bag vahida park plastic bag vahida park

In use: on travel trough India

plastic bag vahida tilonia plastic bag heath

plastic bag
