071PHR-1.TXT 6,220 03/09/1994 | guide to phreaking in london

101794N1.ZIP 16,475 21/10/1994 | full report on population conference in

3_DRINK.TXT 1,628 23/10/1994 | How to get free drinks

890BSCAN.TXT 1,302 20/07/1994 | Recent scan of 890 range for breakable

AAC-BB.ZIP 76,057 15/08/1994 | Art'a CRaCKin... BeDROCK BroTHERS!!

AFCRD.ZIP 26,368 21/10/1994 | latest world info on aids

ARTS 11,336 20/04/1994 | internet arts resource list

BBS_SUIT.ZIP 4,794 22/08/1994 | txt of suit of usa bbs

BITSBYTS 24,171 30/08/1994 | bits and bytes online newsletter

BT-STAR.ZIP 3,828 29/09/1994 | bt-starservices commands as reqested by someone

CIS-FUCK 2,201 30/07/1994 | How to get FREE access to CompuServe !

COKETRIK.ZIP 8,954 19/09/1994 | rip off coke machines info only

COURT.ZIP 5,575 19/09/1994 | funny things said in court

CYBERWIR 5,150 20/10/1994 | cyberwire dispatch

DEU2.ZIP 140,325 26/10/1994 | for doom 2 (see file diz)

DMCHEAT2.ZIP 39,275 26/10/1994 | cheat for doom 2



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