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Technical drawings


Krnjaca Camp






Building machines within One Happy Family - Community Center, Lesvos - low tech makerspace
14.02 2020, Mytilene, Lesvos

Assembling Compressor
04.09 2019, Tulla, Tirana
The compressor is almost finished. For this time the decision was made to orient the oven horizontally, not vertically as in Precious Plastic blueprin...

New Oven
26.07 2019, Ada Ciganlija
We got a new oven which is something bigger and more solid then the one we are already using. We separated it and brought to the Praksa workshop. When...

Sealing the Oven
05.10 2018, Miksaliste - Refugee Day Center, Belgrade
Sealing the oven with the high heat

Putting Isolation to the Compressor
26.05 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
stone wool isolation has to be cut so to leave place for passing all the

Putting Isolation to the Compressor
26.05 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
All electric installations are set so we started

Putting Isolation to the Compressor
26.05 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
Attaching isolation on the compressor has to be performed outdoors

Drilling hole for grounding wire
25.03 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
A hole is drilled for securing

Grounding wire connected
25.03 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
Grounding wire connected and

connecting the heaters with the thermostat
21.03 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
Rear view of the oven. All heating elements are

digital thermostat arrived
17.03 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
digital thermostat arrived from

compressing platform completed
15.03 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
view of the compressor machine with all the parts

compressing platform tube
10.03 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
view of the positioned tube that raises

compressing platform mechanism
10.03 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
view of the compressing platform mechanism without

grinding the guiding tube
08.03 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
grinding welds that are attaching guiding tube to

welding the guiding tube
08.03 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
view of the guiding tube being welded on to a stand

top panel for the compressing platform
05.03 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
preparation for the welding

grinding the found tube
05.03 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
grinding the found tube that will be used in

drilling the hole in the bottom wall of the oven
05.03 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
drilling the hole for the compressing platform tube

the completed oven stand
02.03 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
the oven legs of the oven stand have been

completing the oven frame
02.03 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
the oven frame is welded onto the oven unit

building oven stand
02.03 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
the legs of the the oven stand are welded

side view of oven
02.03 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
side view showing oven door and gas exhaust

oven and oven stand
02.03 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
oven frame and oven stand , ready to be

griding the oven frame before welding
02.03 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
the surfaces to be welded are ground down

the oven
15.02 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
Oven unit is extracted from second hand

building the oven frame
15.02 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
we ordered all metal parts for the structure for 7.500RSD.

disassembling the cooker
14.02 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
we got the 2nd hand cooker for 3.000RSD through

cleaning the oven parts
14.02 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
the oven is disassembled, and its parts need deep

taking the measures for the structure
14.02 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
our oven is of different size from the one given in PP