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Technical drawings


Krnjaca Camp






Barrack Bar Mould
27.02 2020, Fine Arts Faculty Belgrade
Peđa, an assistant on the Sculpture department of the Faculty of fine arts helped us make a mould for the Barrack Bar. It is ready now, the only ...

Barrack Bar Mould
11.12 2019, Fine Arts Faculty Belgrade
Pedja, te assistent on Sculptors department of Fine arts Academy is advancing with the mould for the Barrack Bar. Very economically we managed to engr...

Barrack Bar Mould
05.11 2019, Fine Arts Faculty Belgrade
It is time to seriously take over the building of the Barrack Bar mould. It is going to be a genuine product of our one year work in Krnjaca refugee ...

Injection Mould for the Shroom
06.08 2019, Fine Arts Faculty Belgrade
The professor on the Fine Arts Faculty, Rajša, offered us to make the first test mould casted in aluminum... We came to the fraculty department to do ...

Peđa finishing the injection mould
06.08 2019, Fine Arts Faculty Belgrade
It was necessary to thread the hole to the mould and make canals.

Mould for the PET Cube
04.01 2019, Praxa / Makerspace
The mould for the PET cube is almost done.

3d printed cup prototype
27.12 2018, Polyhedra
We made a first test prototype for the cup

Printing the Glas Prototype at Polyhedra
26.12 2018, Polyhedra
This morning we visited Polyhedra to see

The Square Mould Finished
17.08 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
The square mould is finished and ready to

Cutting Square Mould in Two
10.08 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
The pieces for the square mold we asked

Square Mould
04.08 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
The metal pieces that we ordered to

Grinding Outter Mould
04.08 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
Polishing inner side of outer mold is very

Square Pot Mould Blueprint
25.07 2018, Belgrade
The mould for the square pot. Its planned

Improving the Moulds
12.07 2018, Praxa
Moulds had to be improved for better performance. Both

Hexagon Bowl Mould Finished
08.07 2018, Praxa
The hexagon bowl mould is finished and the first test could be made.

Hexagon Bowl Mould Parts
07.07 2018, Praxa
Bowl part have been laser cut by Limar in steel 3mm thick

Hexagon Bowl Mould Welded and Polished
07.07 2018, Praxa
The welded bowl mould and polished.

Hexagon Bowl Mould Assembling
07.07 2018, Praxa
It is necessary to fix bowl mould parts with the tape very precisely so

Hexagon Bowl Mould Welding
07.07 2018, Praxa
Starting to weld te moulds goes in phases.