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Technical drawings


Krnjaca Camp






...and it's working!
20.05 2020, Praksa Maker space
First test -melting plastic, adjusting the temperature that will melt the plastic fast without burning it during the process

Everything connected...
19.05 2020, Praksa Maker space
Finally our forth machine - Injector is finished!

Help from the expert
18.05 2020, Praksa Maker space
Wires connected successfully, but we needed some professional guidance...thanks Zverko!

Connecting the wires
12.05 2020, Praksa Maker space
This is the first time we are connecting the wires without Chow, who is in Malaysia due to series of unfortunate events...let's see if we can make it....

Making the box for electronics
08.05 2020, Praksa Maker space
Adjusting the box for puzzles into a box that will hold together all the electronic parts, reused and beautiful

Heaters added to the structure
06.05 2020, Praksa Maker space
Another day another element added...we are now rushing home before the curfew...

Building machines within One Happy Family - Community Center, Lesvos - low tech makerspace
10.02 2020, Mytilene, Lesvos

Going to Workshop in Nivica
12.09 2019, Nivica, Albania
Arrived to our final destination Nivica. This is how looks our usual walk to the working place in the school in the village center. On the way we also...

Slobodan Neighbour the Saviour!
27.06 2018, Miksalište
The most delicate part in building the shredder consisted in

shredder works!
01.02 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
We connected everything and the shredder worked!

connecting electricity
31.01 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
We bought 10.5m cable, 25AMP switch and three-

fixing the motor to the structure
31.01 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
Marko, who is engineer helped us to fix the motor to the

Mesh no.1
29.01 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
For making mesh we need perforated metal sheet 1.5mm

Extending the structure 2
27.01 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
Tijana, who joined our team is flattening the welds with the

Wooden board
27.01 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
We found a wooden plank by the garbage bin in front of the

Extending the structure
25.01 2018, Praxa / Makerspace
Because the motor with reductor is bigger than we

making connection between motor and shredder/ making machine 1
24.01 2018, PRO-MLIN, Ledine, New Belgrade
Making the connection between shredder and

making connection between motor and shredder/ making machine 1
24.01 2018, PRO-MLIN, Ledine, New Belgrade
Making the connection between shredder and

motor & reductor
29.12 2017, Paraćin - Kupindo
after long consultations we decided for the motor

looking for motor&reductor
13.12 2017, Obrenovac
we dedicated lots of time to search for a motor with

making hopper
08.12 2017, Praxa / Makerspace
hopper is made from the thin metal. We ordered

feet for the stability of the structure
08.12 2017, Praxa / Makerspace
because motor makes lots of turbulence it is

metal structure
25.11 2017, Praxa / Makerspace
Welding metal structure for the shredder machine.

18.10 2017, Praxa / Makerspace
frenzekovanje - lowering the angle of the holes on

assembling shredder box
17.10 2017, Praxa / Makerspace
our first working day in Praksa Makerspace in

bearings arrived
11.10 2017, Živko i sinovi
bearings arrived from Živko i sinovi. Price: 860 RSD

hexagon axel
06.10 2017,
we ordered hexagon axel from