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Technical drawings


Krnjaca Camp






Cleaning the Area from Plastic Trash
12.09 2019, Nivica, Albania
We made an action of collecting plastic trash from the local area, and now the plastic has to be separated and cleaned for the further processing in t...

New contigent of materials
06.08 2019, Krnjaca - refugee camp
As the exhibition is finished we finally could bring all of the plastics which were kept there on display. There will be a lots of work today...

Our 1st purchase of waste plastic from neighbourning Roma Settlment
31.07 2019, Krnjaca - refugee camp
When we went to a Roma settlement to find a young guy Dževad and give him a bowl in which fabrication he took part last winter when Roma settlers brok...

Caps from the Camp
23.07 2019, Krnjaca - refugee camp
As all our plastic resources were captured in the exhibition installation we were left without materials for work. Therefore Noorullah took an initiat...

Resources Supply for June
30.05 2019, Backyard storage
This time we purchased 18kg of discarded plastic

Plastic Meka
03.03 2019, Zemun Flea Market
We went to the Zemun Flea market in order

At Ajkula's (The Shark)
01.03 2019, Gazela
Searching for the material for the cargo

Collecting Plastic Waste from the Mexican Fastfood
21.02 2019, private location
Going to appointment in Cultural Center

Shredded PET
08.01 2019, Krnjaca - refugee camp
Collected PET plastic is shredded and ready

Collecting Aluminium for Casting Moulds
25.12 2018, Birčaninova
We also started to collect the aluminum for

Quest for recatgular tubes on the Scrapyard
23.12 2018, Sek-Si scrapyard in Žarkovo
We were asked to cast a cube from PET

"Importing raw material from Austria"
18.12 2018, Vienna
Plastic lids collected at Wiener Deewan

Collecting wasted plastic
01.11 2018, Belgrade
Our friend Nebojša Milikić is our greatest

Plastic for Shredding
01.11 2018, Krnjaca - refugee camp
All plastic collected bu Nebojša is brought

Shredded plastic
25.10 2018, Krnjaca - refugee camp
We are separating shredded plastic by

Transporting plastic from Collection point -Wiener Deewan
14.09 2018, Wiener Deewan - Vienna
During the whole summer the Wiener Deewan

Natalies Box
29.08 2018, WUK, Vienna
Natalie (Deewan) brought to show us

Washing Plastic in AIL Bathroom
27.08 2018, AIL, Vienna
We are going to test for the first time our

Collecting plastic in Vienna
03.08 2018, Material Koje
Maria Sulzer from Material Koje collected plastic for the

Open Air Workshop#1 - Prepared Plastic for Shredding (PP)
25.04 2018, Miksalište
Diverse Polypropylene plastic was washed broke in

Collecting Waste Plastic
07.04 2018, Slavija
Plastic containers (from BelgrAid) are used for