Transporting the Estruder from Miksalište 26.02 2019, Miksaliste - Refugee Day Center, Belgrade Finally we are leaving the Miksalište
New nozzle - testing 16.01 2019, Miksaliste - Refugee Day Center, Belgrade The new nozzle, that will be directly attached to
Tests with the PET #2 09.01 2019, Miksaliste - Refugee Day Center, Belgrade The new nozzle for the extrusion is ready
Tests with the PET #2: liquid 09.01 2019, Miksaliste - Refugee Day Center, Belgrade The PET has significantly higher melting point

Tests with the PET #2: result 09.01 2019, Miksaliste - Refugee Day Center, Belgrade But then cooled down, it becomes very brittle and
More Extruded Bowls 2 22.11 2018, Miksaliste - Refugee Day Center, Belgrade The extruded bowl finished. The technique
The Furniture Knobs 22.11 2018, Miksaliste - Refugee Day Center, Belgrade Spinning the extruded plastic directly
More Extruded Bowls 22.11 2018, Miksaliste - Refugee Day Center, Belgrade More tests are being done with the Extruder

Workshop in Miksaliste 14.11 2018, Miksaliste - Refugee Day Center, Belgrade Zaki is trying to work with the extruder. Today we
Workshop in Miksaliste 14.11 2018, Miksaliste - Refugee Day Center, Belgrade Today in Miksalište we had lots of visits, and
Valentina and her Mother 14.11 2018, Miksaliste - Refugee Day Center, Belgrade Valentina and her mother who are refugees
New Objects done with Extruder 08.11 2018, Miksaliste - Refugee Day Center, Belgrade This time we are trying with the bigger

Tests with Extruder-injector 08.11 2018, Miksaliste - Refugee Day Center, Belgrade The days are still warm so we could take the machine
Tests with Extruder-injector 08.11 2018, Miksaliste - Refugee Day Center, Belgrade This week at Miksalište we are continuing the
Extruder - 1st Products 31.10 2018, Miksaliste - Refugee Day Center, Belgrade Some first tests with the Extruder are
Experimenting with the Extruder 31.10 2018, Miksaliste - Refugee Day Center, Belgrade We continue to work in our regular

Workshop in Miksaliste 31.10 2018, Miksaliste - Refugee Day Center, Belgrade We are continuing Wednesday sessions in
Workshop in Miksaliste 17.10 2018, Miksaliste - Refugee Day Center, Belgrade Shredder is working properly again. With our guest
Ussual Workshop in Miksaliste 10.10 2018, Miksaliste - Refugee Day Center, Belgrade We are continuing our usual Wednesday
Sealing the Oven 05.10 2018, Miksaliste - Refugee Day Center, Belgrade Sealing the oven with the high heat

Workshop in Miksaliste 03.10 2018, Miksaliste - Refugee Day Center, Belgrade We have continued with workshops which we
Setting up the storage place in Miksaliste 02.10 2018, Miksaliste - Refugee Day Center, Belgrade After a month we are back in Miksaliste, cleaning